Using simple Drag & Drop from your computer, tinyPNG.App allows you to optimize your JPG and PNG images easily using’s API service.
Available on Windows & Linux
Purchase tinyPNG.App Pro to gain access to extended features including Folder Watching and CLI Support.
Drag & Drop files for easy optimization.
Overwrite your original to avoid two copies of your file.
Enable Folder Watching to automatically optimize files. Also watches sub folders!
Take advantage of CLI support to automate your workfloads.
Save to AWS S3 upon optimisation
Resize your image at the same time while compressing
Feature Comparison
tinyPNG.App is 100% free to use, however extended features are limited to the Pro version. See below for feature comparison between versions.
Please note MacOS no longer supported but still available for free download including Pro version.
Currently there are no plans to add support for MacOS however this may change in the future.
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